torsdag 21 november 2013


Hi, today when I went to my school, a number called me! And it wasn't a normal number! It started with 08-501 and ended with 32! It fooking scared the crap out of me!

Anyway! I had a great school day, today! Hahahaha, yeah sure! Er…… My teacher got REALLY mad at me and my best mate!! Haha we trowed thing on each other during class! Haha Oops! So we almost got into BAD troubles! But  just because Alexander (my best mate) never had been in trouble before, he let us go! Thank you lord!!! Yeah, MY best mate have never got into trouble before! And I've got into trouble during classes and after school and before school, like, 24979818349837489475845979180473984 times! Ok, maybe not that many but still!

Oh and I just wanted to say that…… THERE'S ONLY 204 DAYS LEFT UNTIL THE 1D CONCERT IN STOCKHOLM!!!!≤3≤3≤3≤3 AND I'VE GOT TICKETS ON THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF THE STAGE!!!!!!!≤3≤3≤3≤3 I really hope that Lou's going to dance a bit and shake his girly bum! Haha, yeah I know Im weird! But I mean look at this pics!

Do I need to prove you even more that LOUIS has the sexiest BUM in da WORLD?!
Nah, I don't think so!

Oh and look at pic!

Haha, I got "I danced with Louis Tomlinson because I love him!" HAHA that's so true I fooking L.O.V.E him!!!! He's my sunshine! He's my day! He's my…… I can continue all night long with "He's my"!!!!

Haha, how adorable!!

Liam & Louis fooling around in the sand in Australia! (I think they're there!)

But I G2G now…… So…… BYE BYE MY CARROTS!!!

P.s: Thanks for reading my blog!!!≤3≤3≤3≤3≤3≤3≤3

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